Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: November听28 鈥 11, 2014听
OSCE Representatives in Kazakhstan presented an overview of labor migration management systems - Health Ministry of RK In Russian: . 听 150 million tenge fined migrant workers in Almaty region In Russian: . 听 New building of Migration Police built in Almaty region In Russian: . 听 Rights and duties of foreigners and stateless persons applying for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan explained in Mangistau Migration Police In Russian: . 听 Unemployment in Kazakhstan in November rose to 5.1% In Russian: . 听 About 50 thousands of Kazakhs left their villages In Russian: . 听 |
Joining the EAEC allow Kyrgyz migrants to work in the partner countries without restrictions In Russian: . 听 About the "rightless" internal migrants discussed in Parliament In Russian: . 听 TC will help half a million Kyrgyz migrants to feed their families - Atambayev In Russian: . 听 As a result of meeting of Kyrgyz Ombudsman and the Russian President for Human Rights first step to alleviate the problems of migrants In Russian: . 听 Devaluation of the ruble starts to impact the economy of Kyrgyzstan - NISI In Russian: . 听 Revenues of Kyrgyz migrants in Russia decreased by 30-40% In Russian: . 听 Religious factor in the life of migrants discussed in Kyrgyz Embassy in Moscow In Russian: . 听 Some migrants begun to return to Kyrgyzstan because of the economic crisis in Russia In Russian: . 听 Russians explore the impact of migration on the life of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . 听 Improving the rights of Kyrgyz migrants provided only in the "road map" to join the EEA In Russian: . 听 Unemployment rate to rise at twice in Kyrgyzstan when joining the CU - Ministry of Labor In Russian: . 听 Abulgaziev: "Kyrgyz migrants working legally abroad can receive a double pension" In Russian: . 听 Both positive and negative aspects in the patent system for employment of migrants in Russia - M.Zhapanov In Russian: . 听 Migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia need medical insurance In Russian: . 听 Migrants - parents of children with disabilities are deprived of benefits due to lack of registration In Russian: . 听 Remittances in rubles increased by 9.7% in Kyrgyzstan, for 10 months of 2014 - National Bank In Russian: . 听 During the first 9 months from Kyrgyzstan emigrated nearly 9,000 people for permanent residence In Russian: . 听 379 foreigners who have violated immigration law revealed for two days in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . 听 82 Kyrgyz residents from south employed in South Korea through the Department of Migration In Russian: . 听 A refugee with UNHCR ID is suspected in organizing illegal migration In Russian: . 听 |
Dushanbe, Moscow discuss draft labor migration cooperation agreements In Russian: . 听 Kabiri and Tajik Ambassador in Russia discussed the fate of migrants In Russian: . 听 Speaker noted Health Ministry attention to the problem of the HIV spread among migrants In Russian: . 听 Tajik Migration authorities continue to outreach work among migrant workers In Russian: . 听 Tajikistan and Krasnodar representatives discussed labor migration In Russian: . 听 Russian-Tajik expert advices In Russian: . 听 Remittances amount from Russia to Tajikistan decreased by 5% In Russian: . 听 More than 570 Tajik labor migrants obtain Russian language test certificates In Russian: . 听 Sochi grateful to Tajik migrants for alpine Olympic complex "Rose Farm" In Russian: . 听 Remittances of Tajik migrants declined by about 6% In Russian: . 听 Collection of biometric data of migrants to obtain passports in Russia In Russian: . 听 Deputy Mayor told about the new rules on migrants' stay in the capital of the Russian Federation In Russian: . 听 |
About 400 thousand jobs create for returning to Uzbekistan In Russian: . 听 Uzbekistan plans to create 987.5 thousand jobs in 2015 In Russian: . 听 531 HIV-infected revealed among migrant workers in Uzbekistan for 10 months of 2014 In Russian: . 听 FMS: 2,147,000 Uzbeks in Russia In Russian: . 听 |
Putin signed a law on obligatory medical insurance for migrants In Russian: . 听 FMS requests ambassadors of CIS explain the changes in the immigration laws of the Russian Federation In Russian: . 听 Scope of work may limit for migrants in Russia In Russian: . 听 Moscow to provide for the treatment of migrants 5.4 billion rubles In Russian: . 听 Deputy Prime Minister O.Golodets: It is necessary to reduce the capital outflow from Russia, formed by migrant and create jobs for Russians In Russian: here. 听 Allocate share for migrants In Russian: . 听 Dollar exchange rate reduced the flow of remittances In Russian: . 听 Migrant workers paid 44 million to the budget of Buryatia In Russian: . 听 Second phase of the operation "Migrant-2014" began in Moscow In Russian: . 听 Incomes of migrant workers in Russia are falling In Russian: . 听 Labor patent for migrants gets three times more expensive In Russian: . 听 Migrants working in Russia not by profession to be fined In Russian: . 听 Center for migrants to open at Domodedovo In Russian: . 听 Russian Orthodox Church prepared a textbook for migrants In Russian: . 听 |
Meeting of Russian Federal Migration Service head Konstantin Romodanovsky with the ambassadors of the CIS member states In Russian: . 听 Model Law of CIS countries on labor migration decided to adjust In Russian: . 听 |
International News
Swiss voted against limiting the inflow of migrants In Russian: . 听 Cameron threatened to exit the UK from the European Union if the country will not be allowed to restrict migrants In Russian: . 听 Ukrainian labor migrants sent home 9 billion $ In Russian: . 听 Immigrants desire America In Russian: . 听 |
Migrants from Central Asia are suffering from the economic downturn in Russia In Russian: . 听 VHI in Moscow cost 5.4 thousand rubles per year for migrants In Russian: . 听 Local experts explain why returned to Kyrgyzstan migrants cannot become a hotbed of unrest In Russian: . 听 Charm for migrant In Russian: . 听 Emancipation of labor: what needed to change in the migration policy In Russian: . 听 Organized recruitment - a panacea for violations of migrants鈥 rights? In Russian: . 听 "New opportunities for migrant workers" In Russian: . 听 Migrant families and Entrepreneurship In Russian: . 听 Russian TV channel showed a dancing worker from Astana in stories about migrants In Russian: . 听 44 facts about "Chicago Kyrgyzs" In Russian: . 听 International Organization for Migration In Russian: . 听 Migrants are concerned about the introduction of the new Russian Federation passport regime In Russian: . 听 Expect preferences for labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan immediately after December 23, worthless In Russian: . 听 Valentina Matvienko about Eurasian integration, migrant workers and Ukraine In Russian: . 听 Devaluation in the pockets of migrants In Russian: . 听 What are the advantages of Russian Patent for our migrants? In Russian: . 听 EAEC opens new opportunities for migrant workers in Russia In Russian: 听 Migrants in Russia prevented from the right to vote? In Russian: . 听 Anar Musabaeva "International migration and security issues in Kyrgyzstan" In Russian: . 听 |
New issue of "Voice of Tajik", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho" 鈩 76 In Russian: . 听听 New Issue of 鈥淵our Right. Migration鈥 鈩 23, December 2014 In Russian: . 听 New Issue of 鈥淵our Right. Migration鈥 鈩 24, December 2014 In Russian: . 听 Migration Policy Practice (Vol. IV, Number 4, October鈥揘ovember 2014) In English: . 听 |
Migrants: American dream In Russian: . 听 Migrants: Turkey In Russian: . 听 BPC meeting dedicated to the International Migrants Day In Russian: . 听 Roundtable on migration issues In Russian: . 听 |