
"Kyrgyz Miracle" at AUCA

May 12, 2023

On May 20, a grandiose cultural event, "Kyrgyz Miracle" («Кыргызское чудо»), will be held on the lawn of AUCA, organized by the showroom "Fashion House" @modniydom_kg ()

"Kyrgyz Miracle" – a show of designers of Kyrgyzstan, "Summer-2023", dedicated to the international cinematic phenomenon. A golden era that created a galaxy of young directors and talented film actors.

At the same stage, a defile of designer collections and excerpts from legendary films was created based on Chingiz Aitmatov’s works and will share your attention.

See you outdoors on the ֱ lawn on May 20, 2023, at 19:00.

To purchase tickets, contact WhatsApp: +996555777563

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